Home Products Brands Stillpoints Stillpoints Ultra 2 V2


Stillpoints Ultra 2 V2

SKU: 745454

Home Products Brands Stillpoints Stillpoints Ultra 2 V2


Stillpoints Ultra 2 V2

SKU: 745454

  • Ultra 2 V2
  • Exposed Technology pocket
  • Free UK P&P

The Audio Therapy take...

Stillpoints Ultra 2 V2

Upgrade your hi-fi system without upgrading a single component!

Stillpoints are isolation devices that sit under your components and loudspeakers, effectively decoupling them from the environment on which they sit.

They are manufactured from ceramics and the highest grade stainless steel available and as a result will last for many lifetimes and see you through countless system upgrades.

By installing Stillpoints under an electronic component like an amplifier (or a speaker) you are effectively eliminating a direct path between the component and whatever surface it sits on and as a result you mechanically lower the noise floor.

By doing this you increase dynamics, heighten transients, increase the amount of air and space resulting in a much more musical and natural presentation. You will get a benefit from just putting Stillpoints under 1 component in your hi-fi, but when you float the entire system a scary thing happens with the presentation. I can’t recall doing a demonstration of Stillpoints which hasn’t resulted in someone being amazed with the results, several incredibly sceptical customers have almost become unofficial brand ambassadors, waxing lyrical about the benefits of Stillpoints online!

Depending on budget it could be more beneficial to ‘float’ your entire system on a less expensive Stillpoint as opposed to throwing all of your budget to Stillpoint one component only. As ever, this depends on the system, your budget and what you like the sound of!

The release of the Ultra 2 in 2019 was the model which led the introduction of the range of V2 models being born 

The Ultra 2 has been designed to fill in the gap between the Ultra SS and the Ultra 5

Visually they look similar to an Ultra SS, although they are taller and have an exposed technology pocket on the top (just like the Ultra 6) and another one exposed on the underside. There is no top hat on the Ultra 2 so if you need levelling adjustment you need to add the Ultra Bases, which are £100 each – bases does increase the performance on the Ultra 2

With no top hat and the exposed technology pocket directly touching the equipment the Ultra 2 comfortably out performs the Ultra SS and under electronics it even outperforms the more expensive Ultra 5’s

3 x Ultra 2 with the optional bases installed under a component is brilliant upgrade, I don’t recall doing a demonstration for a customer who hasn’t bought some, they are incredibly effective. lower noise, more resolution, better bass and drive.

The Ultra 2 are available to purchase in packs of 3 or 4 and like the Ultra 6 are only designed to work under electronics, if you are looking to Stillpoint your loudspeakers the Ultra SS, Ultra 5 or Ultra 7 are the suitable models.

Available for home trial.

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Pack of 3, Pack of 4

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Pack of 3, Pack of 4

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