Audio Therapy
High End Hi-Fi in Newcastle upon Tyne

Thanks for taking the time to find my website. I hope that you find you it useful and informative. I’m sure if you’ve managed to find my site it’s fair to say we probably share a love and passion for music and the manner in which it is reproduced.
My name is David Baker and I’ve worked in the hi-fi industry for over 24 years during which time I have seen many changes and developments. I’ve seen vinyl disappear, then come back again and of course the advent and coming of age of streamed music.
Over the years I have sold most of the “major” brands and some of those less well known ones, I have also worked for a rather well known high end manufacturer.
Most of the brands I’ve dealt with have been very good, some less so, I’ve always had a niggle in the back of my mind that more was possible, that lots of the popular brands were simply missing a beat. Maybe I just didn’t “connect” with them and the musical journey they attempted to take me on.

Audio Therapy is based in Newcastle upon Tyne and my company represents a relatively small number of world class brands and products, dealing only with companies that excel in their particular field. My goal is to reproduce music to the highest possible standard and the products in my portfolio have been chosen to do just that.
I’m a firm believer that good quality music reproduced to a very high standard is one of life’s true pleasures. It can lift your mood, reduce stress and anxiety after a long day, make you laugh, smile or cry. It’s great therapy for the busy lives we lead today and it can have a profound effect on one’s well being. Speaking personally, I couldn’t live without music in my life and I love what I do.

“All of the products I deal with have brilliant synergy with one another and excel in delivering music naturally, with poise, texture, air & space, incredible dynamics with no fatigue, grain or aggression.”
I firmly believe that in order to show what a component is capable of, it has to be demonstrated, with care, in the customer’s home, using their system, with their music, so they can really hear what their system and their new potential purchase is capable of delivering. Our demonstration room is a superb introduction for someone to start their journey, more often than not an initial demonstration is followed up with an extensive home trial, where you can take your time, with no pressure to make the right decision.
Customer care and service is my highest priority, that coupled with an understanding of what someone is trying to achieve, helped along by my experience and in-depth knowledge of the products I represent.

Correct set-up is critical with any system and using the right combination of products knowing which items have natural synergy with one another is vitally important. This is one area where experience of knowing what works well in certain scenarios and systems pays dividends. I love throwing someone an unexpected curve ball and watching their reaction!
With Audio Therapy the last thing you will find is a system that is aggressive, fatiguing and one that makes older or poorer recordings impossible to listen to. What you will find is music played back so naturally with texture, air and grace and with such superb levels of realism you will soon discover what you been missing! Throughout my website I keep often refer to creating a natural, calm presentation, don’t mistake natural and calm for a lack of dynamics or warm, rolled off sound, but instead a presentation that is incredibly lifelike and one which simply lets you focus on the music and makes the system disappear from sonic view. Realism is the ultimate goal.

“Much has changed over the past 25 years in high end audio, today I’m extracting more performance from systems than ever before and I’m really excited for the future and I hope some of you will come along for the journey and discover how good your music can be.”
— Founder, Audio Therapy