13th November 2024 · Entreq
Entreq Price Reductions!

Entreq released a new price list yesterday and in a world where it feels like everything is constantly increasing in price Entreq have gone the other way and have reduced the vast majority of their products. They have made a significant investment in stock, components and packaging to help drive down prices and the savings are being passed on.
They also have a number a new products with the Revelation and Sudoku ranges of interconnects, loudspeaker cables and power cables, these will appear online in due course. I thought a short blog would be worthwhile to make people aware of some of the price changes, some are modest and other are quite significant.
The Macro Kit has reduced from £400 to £380 and the Macro Twin Kit was £800, but is now £700 – this is sensational value for money relative to the performance that the Twin Kit delivers, a really good buy.
The Silver Minimus Tungsten is the replacement for the Silver Minimus Infinity is now £580 so a modest saving, but the Olympus Ten T has reduced from £1400 to £1200 and the Olympus Infinity T has reduced by £400 to £3600.
The new Tellus 3 Tungsten is £1650 and is great value, sales of this new unit has been strong so far.
A new range of Vibbeaters has launched starting at £80 each for the small model, there are 3 models available in pairs ranging from £140 to £220.
The popular Max-T ground post remains at £400 and the new MaxMix T Kit is £1000, this product will receive a blog post to itself soon as they are proving very popular and are a superb upgrade, watch this space.