2nd February 2022 · Melco Audio

Melco release the N10/2!

Melco have updated their popular 2 box server the N10 to mk2 status.

Following the same form as the N100, D100, S100 and E100 the N10 offers brilliant performance but in a real compact package.

All functionality and connectivity is on the main head unit and the second box is a very high quality power supply, the 2 connect together via a short neutrik style cable.

The N10/2 has had the same performance improvements that were implemented on the 45th Anniversary model, but with this mk2 model Melco have introduced some new storage options.

N10/2 with a single 5TB HDD  – £6999.00

N10/2 with a single 3.84TB SSD – £8999

In terms of operating the machine it offers the same features and functionality as the outgoing N10 mk1, it is a Roon Ready Endpoint, it comes with Minimserver Starter Edition and SongKong Lite pre-installed and offers auto-downloading for albums purchased from either Hi-Res Audio or Qobuz.

Officially the N10/2 is now Melco’s flagship model and performance has stepped up the outgoing model as well.

My demo unit is due very soon so watch this space!

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