Vimberg, Fyne and Avalon at Audio Therapy
For obvious reasons I only ever keep 1 pair of loudspeakers in my demonstration room, but earlier this week I took it upon myself to take advantage of the beautiful winter sunshine and take some photographs of a selection of them all together. I posted this photograph on my Instagram feed and Facebook page and since then I’ve received some great feedback from both existing customers and also new potential customers. I’ve posted plenty of images of these speakers before but it’s the first time I shown them all together in the same image.
Pictured from left to right we have the Vimberg Mino, Fyne Audio F1-8S, Avalon Acoustics PM1.2 and the Vimberg Amea. The image should hopefully show a sense of scale and it serves to highlight the size of both the Vimberg Mino – they stand at 1280mm, and the Avalon PM1.2 which are 940mm tall, usually when people see both of these models in the flesh the Mino are much larger than people expect and the Avalon are much smaller.
When I founded Audio Therapy in 2017 Avalon were the first speaker brand I dealt with and they have remained close to my heart since then. They are an American company based in Denver and here in the UK they are brand which flies almost under the radar, something which Avalon has no issue with as they thrive on being the underdog. They are a magnificent speaker brand and over over the past 7 years I’ve introduced them to a lot of people, it’s a common theme that if an Avalon gets under your skin no other brand of speaker will do.
Sonically the PM1.2 is a very refined, natural sounding speaker, they have an almost seductive quality to their presentation, they have scale and bass weight to belie their size and they will happily go toe to toe with the Mino. My favourite element of the Avalon sound is their ability to create an incredibly real, almost palpable soundstage, 3d holographics and dimensional space is rendered like almost nothing else – in a serious system with a pair of Avalon you can almost walk around the musicians.